When the weather warms up, bugs start to find their way indoors. Keep them out of your home with preventive pest control services. Our pest technicians can create a shield around your home with effective pest treatments, and come up with custom exclusion solutions for problem areas.
Call now for your first treatment!
Are you dealing with an infestation in your home or office? Get rid of insect invaders fast with our help. We offer a wide range of pest control services designed to get rid of all kinds of bugs in your home or office, like:
You can choose from several of our proven pest control programs, or we can customize a plan that addresses your specific needs. Speak with one of our customer service experts today to get started.
9401 W Reno Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Office Hours:
Mon-Thu: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Fri: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
Fitzhugh's Pest Management Services